1. はじめに
2. 価格データ取得
2.1. 仮想環境の構築
conda で構築していきます.
conda create -n PolaMbot
conda activate PolaMbot
2.2. パッケージインストール
pip install ccxt
pip install websocket-client==0.47.0
pip install pandas
pip install selenium
selenium でchromedriverを使うので
2.3. 取得プログラム
import json
import websocket
import os
import time
from time import sleep
from logging import getLogger,INFO,StreamHandler
logger = getLogger(__name__)
handler = StreamHandler()
import pprint
from datetime import datetime as dt
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options
class RealtimeBFlyInago(object):
def __init__(self, url, channel, webdriver):
# 初期化
self.url = url
self.channel = channel
# 保存フォルダを指定
self.save_dir = '../log/{}/output'.format(TARGET_PRODUCT)
# 保存フォルダが無ければ作成
os.makedirs(self.save_dir, exist_ok=True)
self.webdriver = webdriver
self.ws = websocket.WebSocketApp(self.url,header=None,on_open=self.on_open, on_message=self.on_message, on_error=self.on_error, on_close=self.on_close)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# BF api
def run(self):
#ws has loop. To break this press ctrl + c to occur Keyboard Interruption Exception.
logger.info('Web Socket process ended.')
Below are callback functions of websocket.
# 基本的にこの関数を編集する形になります.
# when we get message
def on_message(self, ws, message):
output = json.loads(message)['params']
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# csv write
# 日付情報を文字列に変換します.
tdatetime = dt.now()
tstr = tdatetime.strftime('%Y%m%d')
tstr2 = tdatetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
tstr_hour = tdatetime.strftime('%H')
tstr_min = tdatetime.strftime('%M')
tstr3 = tdatetime.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S%f')
t_unix = tdatetime.timestamp()
# create dir
# 日付のフォルダを作成します.
self.save_dir_day = self.save_dir + "/" + tstr
os.makedirs(self.save_dir_day, exist_ok=True)
# 日付のフォルダ内にsingleフォルダを作成します.
self.save_dir_day_single = self.save_dir + "/" + tstr + "/single/" + tstr_hour + "/" + tstr_min
os.makedirs(self.save_dir_day_single, exist_ok=True)
# --------------------------
# inago
total_ask_vol, total_bid_vol = self._get_inago_vol()
output['message']["total_ask_vol"] = total_ask_vol
output['message']["total_bid_vol"] = total_bid_vol
# --------------------------
# create json files
# 板情報は1つのjsonファイルとして保存します.
with open('{}/{}-{}.json'.format(self.save_dir_day_single, tstr3, t_unix), 'w') as f:
json.dump(output['message'], f, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False)
print("time : {}, unix : {}".format(tstr2, t_unix))
# when error occurs
def on_error(self, ws, error):
# when websocket closed.
def on_close(self, ws):
logger.info('disconnected streaming server')
# when websocket opened.
def on_open(self, ws):
logger.info('connected streaming server')
output_json = json.dumps(
{'method' : 'subscribe',
'params' : {'channel' : self.channel}
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Inago
def _get_inago_vol(self):
for buyvol in self.webdriver.find_elements_by_id("buyVolumePerMeasurementTime"):
total_ask_vol = buyvol.text
for sellvol in self.webdriver.find_elements_by_id("sellVolumePerMeasurementTime"):
total_bid_vol = sellvol.text
return total_ask_vol, total_bid_vol
if __name__ == '__main__':
# -----------------------------------------------
# Inago
options = Options()
# ヘッドレスモードを有効にす。指定しない場合、Chromeの画面が表示される
# Windows
# webdriver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options, executable_path=r'modules\chromedriver_win32\chromedriver.exe')
# linux
webdriver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options, executable_path=r'modules\chromedriver_linux64_v101\chromedriver')
# Inago flyer URL
# -----------------------------------------------
# BF API endpoint
url = 'wss://ws.lightstream.bitflyer.com/json-rpc'
# channel = 'lightning_board_snapshot_BTC_JPY'
channel = 'lightning_board_snapshot_{}_JPY'.format(TARGET_PRODUCT)
json_rpc = RealtimeBFlyInago(url=url, channel=channel, webdriver=webdriver)
# エラーがでても10秒後には復帰します
while 1:
#ctrl + cで終了
except Exception as e:
2.4. 実行
python RealtimeBFlyInago.py
(PolaMbot) H:\マイドライブ\PROJECT\503_PolaMbot_v5>python RealtimeBFlyInago.py
H:\マイドライブ\PROJECT\503_PolaMbot_v5\RealtimeBFlyInago.py:144: DeprecationWarning: executable_path has been deprecated, please pass in a Service object
webdriver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options, executable_path=r'modules\chromedriver_win32\chromedriver.exe')
DevTools listening on ws://
[0622/003944.027:INFO:CONSOLE(62)] "Mixed Content: The page at 'https://inagoflyer.appspot.com/btcmac' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure frame 'http://developers.google.com/#_methods=onPlusOne%2C_ready%2C_close%2C_open%2C_resizeMe%2C_renderstart%2Concircled%2Cdrefresh%2Cerefresh%2Conload&id=I0_1655825983700&_gfid=I0_1655825983700&parent=https%3A%2F%2Finagoflyer.appspot.com&pfname=&rpctoken=68181274'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.", source: https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js (62)
--- request header ---
GET /json-rpc HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Host: ws.lightstream.bitflyer.com
Origin: http://ws.lightstream.bitflyer.com
Sec-WebSocket-Key: dUufRdTTFLl/nE1fE7PJBw==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
--- response header ---
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 15:39:52 GMT
Connection: upgrade
Upgrade: websocket
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: im5K7JSbgAB+5L0le2ODye31XAE=
connected streaming server
send: b'\x81\xd2\x9d\xbb\xeaG\xe6\x99\x87"\xe9\xd3\x85#\xbf\x81\xcae\xee\xce\x884\xfe\xc9\x83%\xf8\x99\xc6g\xbf\xcb\x8b5\xfc\xd6\x99e\xa7\x9b\x91e\xfe\xd3\x8b)\xf3\xde\x86e\xa7\x9b\xc8+\xf4\xdc\x823\xf3\xd2\x84 \xc2\xd9\x85&\xef\xdf\xb54\xf3\xda\x9a4\xf5\xd4\x9e\x18\xc5\xf7\xa7\x18\xd7\xeb\xb3e\xe0\xc6'
H:\マイドライブ\PROJECT\503_PolaMbot_v5\RealtimeBFlyInago.py:128: DeprecationWarning: find_elements_by_id is deprecated. Please use find_elements(by=By.ID, value=id_) instead
for buyvol in self.webdriver.find_elements_by_id("buyVolumePerMeasurementTime"):
H:\マイドライブ\PROJECT\503_PolaMbot_v5\RealtimeBFlyInago.py:130: DeprecationWarning: find_elements_by_id is deprecated. Please use find_elements(by=By.ID, value=id_) instead
for sellvol in self.webdriver.find_elements_by_id("sellVolumePerMeasurementTime"):
time : 2022-06-22 00:39:48.908462, unix : 1655825988.908462, total_ask_vol : 0.02, total_bid_vol : 0.41
time : 2022-06-22 00:39:53.996633, unix : 1655825993.996633, total_ask_vol : 6.31, total_bid_vol : 14.77
2.5. ログの見方
"mid_price": 15.928,
"bids": [
"price": 7.0,
"size": 12975.0
"price": 7.4,
"size": 10.0
"price": 7.6,
"size": 10.0
"price": 7.666,
"size": 10000.0
"price": 8.0,
"size": 19975.0
"price": 8.3,
"size": 5000.0
"price": 8.37,
"size": 1000.0
"price": 8.58,
"size": 1000.0
"price": 8.666,
"size": 10000.0
"price": 8.77,
"size": 1000.0
"price": 8.85,
"size": 2000.0
"price": 9.0,
"size": 30314.4277444
"price": 9.2,
"size": 5000.0
"price": 9.4,
"size": 1005.0
"price": 9.5,
"size": 7310.5105263
"price": 9.8,
"size": 12250.0
"price": 9.85,
"size": 1000.0
"price": 9.9,
"size": 1000.0
"price": 10.0,
"size": 24881.085
"price": 10.1,
"size": 101.0
"price": 10.108,
"size": 1000.0
"price": 10.2,
"size": 7200.0
"price": 10.282,
"size": 251.72251
"price": 10.291,
"size": 20000.0
"price": 10.3,
"size": 5000.0
"price": 10.5,
"size": 2509.5095238
"price": 10.666,
"size": 10000.0
"price": 11.0,
"size": 21348.1772727
"price": 11.011,
"size": 900.0
"price": 11.1,
"size": 160.0
"price": 11.11,
"size": 5000.0
"price": 11.5,
"size": 10608.7826087
"price": 11.528,
"size": 1000.0
"price": 11.72,
"size": 900.0
"price": 11.739,
"size": 300.0
"price": 11.75,
"size": 425.0
"price": 11.856,
"size": 200.0
"price": 11.94,
"size": 420.0
"price": 12.0,
"size": 71666.0208333
"price": 12.01,
"size": 101.0
"price": 12.05,
"size": 20.0
"price": 12.1,
"size": 120.0
"price": 12.11,
"size": 7000.0
"price": 12.15,
"size": 20.0
"price": 12.2,
"size": 620.0
"price": 12.25,
"size": 20.0
"price": 12.3,
"size": 20.0
"price": 12.35,
"size": 20.0
"price": 12.39,
"size": 250.0
"price": 12.4,
"size": 20.0
"price": 12.405,
"size": 1000.0
"price": 12.411,
"size": 800.0
"price": 12.45,
"size": 20.0
"price": 12.5,
"size": 16048.088
"price": 12.55,
"size": 420.0
"price": 12.555,
"size": 1000.0
"price": 12.6,
"size": 120.0
"price": 12.64,
"size": 1000.0
"price": 12.65,
"size": 20.0
"price": 12.666,
"size": 10000.0
"price": 12.7,
"size": 1520.0
"price": 12.71,
"size": 5000.0
"price": 12.75,
"size": 20.0
"price": 12.8,
"size": 2120.0
"price": 12.85,
"size": 20.0
"price": 12.9,
"size": 120.0
"price": 12.95,
"size": 20.0
"price": 12.982,
"size": 108.3038
"price": 13.0,
"size": 12552.9217692
"price": 13.05,
"size": 20.0
"price": 13.055,
"size": 1000.0
"price": 13.1,
"size": 2670.3582999
"price": 13.15,
"size": 20.0
"price": 13.2,
"size": 1822.121212
"price": 13.25,
"size": 20.0
"price": 13.3,
"size": 4591.9699236
"price": 13.33,
"size": 51500.0
"price": 13.333,
"size": 5000.0
"price": 13.35,
"size": 40.0
"price": 13.358,
"size": 1000.0
"price": 13.36,
"size": 224.56
"price": 13.4,
"size": 3001.044776
"price": 13.45,
"size": 20.0
"price": 13.5,
"size": 10302.3481481
"price": 13.55,
"size": 20.0
"price": 13.6,
"size": 26021.029411
"price": 13.65,
"size": 20.0
"price": 13.681,
"size": 55.0
"price": 13.687,
"size": 1000.0
"price": 13.697,
"size": 3650.0
"price": 13.7,
"size": 1871.021897
"price": 13.711,
"size": 1064.0
"price": 13.75,
"size": 450.0
"price": 13.789,
"size": 7989.0
"price": 13.8,
"size": 9649.014492
"price": 13.807,
"size": 0.1
"price": 13.85,
"size": 20.0
"price": 13.9,
"size": 2373.007194
"price": 13.95,
"size": 20.0
"price": 14.0,
"size": 27964.1
"price": 14.01,
"size": 400.0
"price": 14.1,
"size": 3354.8936162
"price": 14.117,
"size": 50.0
"price": 14.2,
"size": 5001.056338
"price": 14.21,
"size": 500.0
"price": 14.24,
"size": 5213.0
"price": 14.25,
"size": 536.0
"price": 14.3,
"size": 1551.048951
"price": 14.311,
"size": 210.0
"price": 14.337,
"size": 50.0
"price": 14.358,
"size": 1000.0
"price": 14.4,
"size": 23001.041666
"price": 14.48,
"size": 500.0
"price": 14.5,
"size": 9248.034482
"price": 14.54,
"size": 500.0
"price": 14.56,
"size": 500.0
"price": 14.566,
"size": 0.1
"price": 14.6,
"size": 3001.027397
"price": 14.7,
"size": 2941.360544
"price": 14.75,
"size": 1000.0
"price": 14.77,
"size": 5000.0
"price": 14.777,
"size": 50.0
"price": 14.8,
"size": 201.013513
"price": 14.82,
"size": 500.0
"price": 14.84,
"size": 0.1
"price": 14.9,
"size": 3726.778523
"price": 14.99,
"size": 8.005
"price": 15.0,
"size": 26633.9262319
"price": 15.037,
"size": 50.0
"price": 15.1,
"size": 659.139072
"price": 15.15,
"size": 500.0
"price": 15.2,
"size": 15438.8815783
"price": 15.21,
"size": 1000.0
"price": 15.242,
"size": 4.002
"price": 15.27,
"size": 0.1
"price": 15.275,
"size": 81.14
"price": 15.3,
"size": 531.045751
"price": 15.354,
"size": 111.79
"price": 15.356,
"size": 30062.0
"price": 15.375,
"size": 30126.0
"price": 15.38,
"size": 650.0
"price": 15.4,
"size": 4101.038961
"price": 15.43,
"size": 600.0
"price": 15.437,
"size": 50.0
"price": 15.474,
"size": 6.01
"price": 15.5,
"size": 181125.1612902
"price": 15.501,
"size": 83.0
"price": 15.55,
"size": 1000.0
"price": 15.557,
"size": 30733.0
"price": 15.576,
"size": 118.0
"price": 15.6,
"size": 1487.4358974
"price": 15.601,
"size": 122.61
"price": 15.657,
"size": 61324.0
"price": 15.697,
"size": 119882.0
"price": 15.701,
"size": 81.1
"price": 15.72,
"size": 105.2
"price": 15.76,
"size": 124.0
"price": 15.8,
"size": 1156.848481
"price": 15.825,
"size": 8000.0
"price": 15.826,
"size": 306419.0
"price": 15.845,
"size": 31277.0
"price": 15.86,
"size": 12378.0
"price": 15.861,
"size": 923.5
"price": 15.866,
"size": 8000.0
"price": 15.883,
"size": 468.0
"price": 15.889,
"size": 372.0
"price": 15.897,
"size": 902.0
"price": 15.9,
"size": 500.0
"price": 15.912,
"size": 794.7
"price": 15.913,
"size": 169.35
"asks": [
"price": 15.943,
"size": 4000.0
"price": 15.944,
"size": 12378.0
"price": 15.961,
"size": 169.35
"price": 15.962,
"size": 8000.0
"price": 15.966,
"size": 31277.0
"price": 15.977,
"size": 986.51
"price": 15.993,
"size": 761.2
"price": 16.016,
"size": 8000.0
"price": 16.021,
"size": 760.0
"price": 16.036,
"size": 303534.0
"price": 16.039,
"size": 875.6
"price": 16.078,
"size": 79.03
"price": 16.1,
"size": 30.0
"price": 16.11,
"size": 71109.0
"price": 16.118,
"size": 102.95
"price": 16.15,
"size": 8384.9
"price": 16.158,
"size": 105.0
"price": 16.238,
"size": 83.3
"price": 16.3,
"size": 2011.042945
"price": 16.374,
"size": 90.0
"price": 16.4,
"size": 16.036586
"price": 16.468,
"size": 110.5
"price": 16.486,
"size": 76.98
"price": 16.5,
"size": 56512.060607
"price": 16.52,
"size": 100.0
"price": 16.6,
"size": 7336.4595572
"price": 16.66,
"size": 1983.6683417
"price": 16.672,
"size": 117.0
"price": 16.7,
"size": 491.035929
"price": 16.74,
"size": 60.0
"price": 16.777,
"size": 50.0
"price": 16.8,
"size": 1017.02381
"price": 16.879,
"size": 98.0
"price": 16.9,
"size": 12.011835
"price": 16.993,
"size": 176.55
"price": 16.999,
"size": 54.938764
"price": 17.0,
"size": 3434.6425782
"price": 17.1,
"size": 22.105264
"price": 17.111,
"size": 968.0
"price": 17.132,
"size": 175.12
"price": 17.15,
"size": 5.0
"price": 17.2,
"size": 32.093024
"price": 17.25,
"size": 5.0
"price": 17.27,
"size": 98.0
"price": 17.3,
"size": 17.080925
"price": 17.333,
"size": 50.0
"price": 17.4,
"size": 2217.068966
"price": 17.5,
"size": 22.057143
"price": 17.6,
"size": 16680.7341963
"price": 17.7,
"size": 22.033899
"price": 17.8,
"size": 17.022472
"price": 17.9,
"size": 12.011174
"price": 17.99,
"size": 20849.8418817
"price": 18.0,
"size": 13867.0
"price": 18.011,
"size": 731.0
"price": 18.1,
"size": 2.099448
"price": 18.131,
"size": 5.0
"price": 18.2,
"size": 7.087913
"price": 18.3,
"size": 2.076503
"price": 18.314,
"size": 163.81
"price": 18.4,
"size": 1668.065218
"price": 18.5,
"size": 18719.054055
"price": 18.58,
"size": 60.0
"price": 18.6,
"size": 7.043011
"price": 18.7,
"size": 312.032086
"price": 18.795,
"size": 30000.0
"price": 18.8,
"size": 7.021277
"price": 18.9,
"size": 2.010583
"price": 18.91,
"size": 200.0
"price": 18.94,
"size": 158.4
"price": 19.0,
"size": 1107.0
"price": 19.095,
"size": 136.36706
"price": 19.1,
"size": 2.094241
"price": 19.2,
"size": 507.083334
"price": 19.226,
"size": 156.04
"price": 19.3,
"size": 5172.072539
"price": 19.33,
"size": 2003.0
"price": 19.4,
"size": 30017.061856
"price": 19.45,
"size": 616.9918787
"price": 19.5,
"size": 17429.051283
"price": 19.55,
"size": 5000.0
"price": 19.6,
"size": 5015.0
"price": 19.7,
"size": 520.0
"price": 19.749,
"size": 10.0
"price": 19.781,
"size": 100.0
"price": 19.8,
"size": 10125.0
"price": 19.9,
"size": 20.0
"price": 20.0,
"size": 25696.0
"price": 20.033,
"size": 10.0
"price": 20.2,
"size": 5000.0
"price": 20.293,
"size": 10.0
"price": 20.5,
"size": 1000.0
"price": 20.55,
"size": 70.0
"price": 20.62,
"size": 60.0
"price": 21.0,
"size": 500.0
"price": 21.011,
"size": 500.0
"price": 21.98,
"size": 1050.0
"price": 22.0,
"size": 6085.0
"price": 22.1,
"size": 4250.0
"price": 22.17,
"size": 0.1
"price": 22.36,
"size": 4000.0
"price": 22.5,
"size": 1060.9
"price": 22.811,
"size": 735.0
"price": 22.89,
"size": 60.0
"price": 22.9,
"size": 2000.0
"price": 23.0,
"size": 2128.849376
"price": 23.01,
"size": 16.849376
"price": 23.611,
"size": 735.0
"price": 23.83,
"size": 11000.0
"price": 24.0,
"size": 44850.0687292
"price": 24.811,
"size": 630.0
"price": 25.0,
"size": 3295.0
"price": 25.3,
"size": 100.0
"price": 25.41,
"size": 60.0
"price": 26.0,
"size": 2500.0
"price": 26.52,
"size": 0.1
"price": 27.0,
"size": 2000.0
"price": 27.5,
"size": 97.0
"price": 28.0,
"size": 8118.698752
"price": 28.21,
"size": 60.0
"price": 28.5,
"size": 99.0
"price": 29.0,
"size": 26225.0684893
"price": 29.01,
"size": 0.1
"price": 29.04,
"size": 30.0
"price": 29.8,
"size": 5300.53
"price": 29.929,
"size": 1995.0
"price": 30.0,
"size": 10568.9574507
"price": 30.36,
"size": 0.1
"price": 31.0,
"size": 7000.0
"price": 32.0,
"size": 5000.0
"price": 32.2,
"size": 14400.0
"price": 33.0,
"size": 5000.0
"price": 33.3,
"size": 13968.0
"price": 34.0,
"size": 5000.0
"price": 35.0,
"size": 5000.0
"price": 36.0,
"size": 5000.0
"total_ask_vol": "186.14",
"total_bid_vol": "45.29"
2.6. サーバーの構築
Kali Linuxを導入してサーバー化し,そこで動いてもらいます.
Kali linuxは結構参考になる記事が多いのでここでは割愛致します.
nohup python RealtimeBFlyInago.py > outlog.txt &
3. データ可視化
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