Recall what these components mean: the full data is a 64-dimensional point cloud, and these points are the projection of each data point along the directions with the largest variance.
Essentially, we have found the optimal stretch and rotation in 64-dimensional space that allows us to see the layout of the digits in two dimensions, and have done this in an unsupervised manner—that is, without reference to the labels.
What do the components mean?
We can go a bit further here, and begin to ask what the reduced dimensions
This meaning can be understood in terms of combinations of basis vectors.
For example, each image in the training set is defined by a collection of 64 pixel values, which we will call the vector
One way we can think about this is in terms of a pixel basis.
That is, to construct the image, we multiply each element of the vector by the pixel it describes, and then add the results together to build the image:
image(x)=x1⋅(pixel 1)+x2⋅(pixel 2)+x3⋅(pixel 3)⋯x64⋅(pixel 64)
One way we might imagine reducing the dimension of this data is to zero out all but a few of these basis vectors.
For example, if we use only the first eight pixels, we get an eight-dimensional projection of the data, but it is not very reflective of the whole image: we've thrown out nearly 90% of the pixels!
The upper row of panels shows the individual pixels, and the lower row shows the cumulative contribution of these pixels to the construction of the image.
Using only eight of the pixel-basis components, we can only construct a small portion of the 64-pixel image.
Were we to continue this sequence and use all 64 pixels, we would recover the original image.
But the pixel-wise representation is not the only choice of basis. We can also use other basis functions, which each contain some pre-defined contribution from each pixel, and write something like
image(x)=mean+x1⋅(basis 1)+x2⋅(basis 2)+x3⋅(basis 3)⋯
PCA can be thought of as a process of choosing optimal basis functions, such that adding together just the first few of them is enough to suitably reconstruct the bulk of the elements in the dataset.
The principal components, which act as the low-dimensional representation of our data, are simply the coefficients that multiply each of the elements in this series.
This figure shows a similar depiction of reconstructing this digit using the mean plus the first eight PCA basis functions:
Unlike the pixel basis, the PCA basis allows us to recover the salient features of the input image with just a mean plus eight components!
The amount of each pixel in each component is the corollary of the orientation of the vector in our two-dimensional example.
This is the sense in which PCA provides a low-dimensional representation of the data: it discovers a set of basis functions that are more efficient than the native pixel-basis of the input data.
Choosing the number of components
A vital part of using PCA in practice is the ability to estimate how many components are needed to describe the data.
This can be determined by looking at the cumulative explained variance ratio as a function of the number of components: